Your freelance finances simplified.

An easy and affordable spreadsheet to run your creative freelance business like a pro.

An easy and affordable spreadsheet to run your creative freelance business like a pro.

15-day money-back guarantee

15-day money-back guarantee

Is your creative business flying, or sinking?

Do you have enough work booked for the next two months?

How much should you have set aside for taxes?

What are you spending all your money on?

Answer all these questions and more with our easy-to-use spreadsheet designed for busy creative freelancers like you.

Answer all these questions and more with our easy-to-use spreadsheet designed for busy creative freelancers like you.

Answer all these questions and more with our easy-to-use spreadsheet designed for busy creative freelancers like you.

Quick Set-Up

Just fill in a few fields, and you'll have powerful dashboards up and running in a jiffy, leaving you more time for your clients.

Your Business at a Glance

The pre-configured dashboards tell you everything you need to know about the health of your freelance business.


No more financial jargon; our spreadsheet templates use simple language that every creative freelancer can understand.

Tailor-Made for Creative Freelancers

An affordable one-time fee, not another subscription to eat into your revenue! And tailored for creative service freelancers where you are selling your time.


⭐️ Dashboard

Auto-updating charts, graphs and stats about your business. As you update your budget, income and expenses each month, you'll get more accurate insights and stats.

💸 Monthly Budget

Keep track of all of your monthly expenses and liabilities that you need to run your business. Figure out if you are over spending in certain categories, or if your budget is unrealistic for your income.

📈 Profit & Loss

Get a clear idea if you are actually making money, or burning through your cash. Enter your monthly income and expenses to see all of your statistics update.

🔮 Projections

Plan out the next two months and get some peace of mind that you know how much money is supposed to come in. Get an early warning that you should get more work in.

🏷️ Price Calculators

Answer a few questions about a new jobs and get pricing suggestions for both fixed-fee and hourly billing that account for your expenses and desired profit percentage.

📖 Glossary

Quick reference for common business and financial jargon so you can learn how to think and speak like the entrepreneur you are.

⚡️Quick Setup

Answer a short series of simple questions up front to get a jump start on your spreadsheets. Update the values any time and the entire system will adjust accordingly.

Runs in Google Sheets

Accessible, affordable, cloud-based spreadsheet app that you are probably already familiar with.


The Freelance Business Budget Sheet


A useful and flexible budget template for freelancers just like you

Get a taste of the full system

Basic email support

The Complete Freelance Finance Spreadsheet



A powerful suite of dashboards and interconnected spreadsheet templates for serious freelancers

Included setup video to get you going quickly and easily

Free updates for 1 year

Email support

15-day money-back guarantee


Can I try it out before buying?

What if I don't find the templates useful?

Do I need to be experienced with Excel or Google Sheets?

What if I accidentally mess up the templates?

What if I'm not great with numbers?

Are you a registered financial advisor?

Have more questions?

Take Control of Your Freelance Finances